We have curated a collection of companies that create assistive technology products. During the research process, we invited each company to contribute a blog post. The purpose is to facilitate more connection between readers and these companies.
Get to know:
RJ Cooper logo
Hi all!
This is RJ and I've been helping to create and advance the field of Assistive Technology since 1983! Yes, I'm one of the early ones ;-) And my programs/apps/inventions/adaptations have all come from actually working, hands-on, with learners/users of all ages and challenges. My specialty is the more severe/profound population.
I hope you get a chance to browse my offerings here at NWACS and/or my website, rjcooper.com. Everything I make is *probably* appropriate for your setting. Unlike most others, I address a wide audience of challenges (vs. just 1 or 2 products). I want to change a person's life, or at least contribute to that.
That's why, over the years and still currently, I listen to what 'you' want and try to create or adapt it. You explain your need and I try to fulfill it. Software and/or hardware. My unique background of Electrical Engineering w/Digital Emphases (U of UT) and B.A. in Dev. Psych (UCI) and M.Ed. in ASD (ASU) make me quite qualified to address the technical as well as the pragmatic/functional.
So I hope you'll give me a chance to become your tech 'buddy'. I *love* brainstorming together by email, Zoom, or phone (800-RJCooper).
RJ Cooper