We have curated a collection of companies that create assistive technology products. During the research process, we invited each company to contribute a blog post. The purpose is to facilitate more connection between readers and these companies.
Get to know:
CoughDrop logo
CoughDrop app displayed on a tablet device
Communication is a basic human right – that’s just the truth (and a pretty important truth if you ask us).
If you’re reading this on the NWACS blog then it’s likely we’re preaching to the choir a bit when we say something like that. You get it. You feel it. You’ve seen it in action. This is probably a soapbox we share (and we’re proud to stand on it with you).
Still, that primary statement is the impetus behind everything we do at CoughDrop. We are in this field to help EVERYONE have better access to solid, reliable communication and also to build a community that encourages and engages communicators of every kind.
But how did we get here and where are we going now?
Our story begins seven years ago when CoughDrop was not much more than a glimmer in its creator’s eye.
Brian with his daughter
Brian Whitmer’s daughter was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome and was struggling to communicate. She couldn’t speak vocally and she couldn’t reliably control her hands to use sign language or point. Her voice was strong inside her, but it was a struggle to be heard. She and her parents had worked out a system to answer “yes” and “no” questions with her eyes, but that was about all she had.
Brian, a computer programmer with extensive experience in human-computer interactions who graduated with his Masters of Computer Science, wanted nothing more than to help his daughter and decided to put his mad computer skills to work. He began programming a communication system that would allow her to really share what was in her mind and heart.
For many months, Brian collaborated with dozens of AAC users, therapists, parents, teachers, and professionals trying to address the most important needs and concerns faced by those using augmentative and alternative communication – and that’s how CoughDrop was born.
Since then, the CoughDrop program has blossomed into the robust communication app it is today. It is used by thousands of communicators and supporters worldwide. Designed to focus on team connections that link supervisors to AAC users in an innovative and powerful way, CoughDrop brings communication to the forefront of cloud-based systems accessible on ANY device.
Laptop, tablet, and smart phone all displaying CoughDrop pages
CoughDrop boasts unique features and functions that are hard to find in other AAC systems. Besides its cross-platform options making it usable on iPad, Android, Kindle, Chromebook, smartphone, laptops, desktops, and just about any other device, CoughDrop also offers translation features allowing users to create speech boards in multiple languages limited only by available voice options for the device.
But it doesn’t stop there. CoughDrop plowed ahead adding logs and reporting operations to help teams track progress and set goals. Usage per day, modeling done, screen hot zones – see it all at the touch of a screen. For teams unsure where to start, the built-in AAC evaluation tool is another superb feature. It gives necessary information to help make the best choices for a specific communicator and to plan for progress and growth.
To be sure CoughDrop is the right fit for a communicator, it includes a free 2-month trial with every registration. Try the features, kick the tires, and be sure CoughDrop works before you ever think about purchasing. Feel free to reach out to us any time with one-touch messaging from within the app. We also offer a support site with videos and tutorials for great support all day every day.
Understanding that the communication community includes more than just CoughDrop users, CoughDrop continually reaches outside the app to build a stronger support system for all communication teams.
The CoughDrop team created the free Core Communication Workshop site (coreworkshop.org) to support core vocabulary learning. They designed the Open Symbols site (opensymbols.org) to provide a repository of free-use images for ANY AAC user or system. They also pull together top AAC minds to share experience and insight through an annual AAC in the Cloud conference – free to any and all AAC advocates.
All this happens because communication is a basic human right. And we really believe that.
P.S. Are you wondering about the name CoughDrop? Well, when you get a bit hoarse and have trouble making your voice heard sometimes you pop in a CoughDrop to help get your words out more clearly. That’s exactly what we hope to do for those who can benefit from AAC.
Get to know CoughDrop up close and personal by registering for a free 2-month trial at mycoughdrop.com.