In the ever-changing, wide-ranging, often overwhelming, and profoundly individualized realm of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), all stakeholders need a wealth of knowledge and a toolbox filled with resources. New Discoveries is a series highlighting resources (some new/new to you, some you may have forgotten about) that might be of interest and use. We encourage you to explore and judge for yourself which to add to your toolbox.
Updated 5/3/21
Resource to Explore: AAC in the Cloud
What is AAC in the Cloud?
AAC in the Cloud is a FREE online AAC conference sponsored by CoughDrop which "gives everyone connected to AAC the opportunity to get new ideas, increase understanding, and collaborate with others in order to strengthen the entire AAC community."
Missed past AAC in the Cloud conferences? Not to worry - all of the sessions were recorded and are still available (for the 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 conferences)!
Why should I consider checking it out?
Did we mention it's FREE?! And if you watch sessions via the conference website, you can download a certificate of completion to use toward continuing education hours.
It's online. Which means watching from your couch, in pjs, with your drink of choice, whenever you have the time. Or at your desk, fully dressed, during your lunch hour. Or...
Sessions cover a large variety of topics that are loosely organized into tracks: families/beginners, teams/experienced, and tech-related solutions. So there is likely something of interest for everyone connected to AAC.
Where can I learn more?
To check it out, and to get watching, visit AAC in the Cloud. There is also an AAC in the Cloud Facebook page.
Links to past sessions (four years of them!) HERE