NWACS board member, Carrie Elliot, discusses expectations when getting your AAC device home.
Reading time: 2 minutes
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NWACS board member, Carrie Elliot, discusses expectations when getting your AAC device home.
Reading time: 2 minutes
Read moreNWACS board member, Kathy, interviews retired speech-language pathologist Barb Lark about a project she has been working on: the Comprehensive Literacy for All (CLFA) Book Collection
[reading time: 4 minutes]
Read moreJoin us to wrap up the year with a review of the Communication Bill of Rights.
[7 minute read]
Read moreWelcome back to Let’s Talk AAC - a series of questions and topics for discussion.
In this post, we talk about the right to have culturally and linguistically appropriate communication (right #15).
[reading time: 3 minutes]
Read moreWelcome back to Let’s Talk AAC - a series of questions and topics for discussion.
In this post, we talk about the right to be addressed directly and not be spoken for or talked about (right #14).
[reading time: 4 minutes]
Read moreWelcome back to Let’s Talk AAC - a series of questions and topics for discussion.
In this post, we talk about the right to be treated with dignity and respect and having the ability to say ANYTHING (right #13).
[reading time: 2 minutes]
Read moreGuest blogger Beth, a speech/language pathologist and Director of Educational Programs for LessonPix writes about using visual supports.
[reading time: 3 minutes]
Read moreWelcome back to Let’s Talk AAC - a series of questions and topics for discussion.
In this post, we talk about the right to be full communication partners in the activities and environments that are important to the AAC user (communication right #12).
[reading time: 5 minutes]
Read moreNWACS contributor Caitlin, a speech/language pathologist and brain injury specialist, shares AAC implementation ideas for the acute care setting!
[reading time: 4 minutes]
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