AAC / AT Evaluation Tools
This is a curated list of tools that support completing communication evaluations, choosing appropriate AAC/AT tools, creating effective plans, and monitoring progress. We created this collection for educational purposes. It showcases many tools and resources available to collect information not typically gathered using standardized measures. This collection is not an exhaustive list. Inclusion does not signify endorsement. Use of any information provided on this website is at your own risk, for which NWACS shall not be held liable.
Quad Profile, DAGG-2, ALP for AAC
Pediatric Evaluation Tools
Tools and resources geared toward children birth to 18 years old.
CLQT, ALS Communication Questionnaire, Quality of Communication Scale
Adult Acquired Evaluation Tools
Tools and resources helpful for evaluating adults with acquired communication impairments (e.g. from stroke, TBI, ALS, etc.).
MacArthur Bates CDI, Social Networks, BJ Adaptaciones
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Evaluation Tools
Tools and resources for when evaluating culturally and linguistically diverse children.
Communication Matrix, Functional Communication Profile, AAC Evaluation Genie
Adult IDD Evaluation Tools
Tools and resources helpful for when evaluating adolescents and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).