Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Evaluation Tools


This is a curated list of tools and resources that may be helpful when conducting a culturally and linguistically responsive assessment of early/emerging communicators with complex communication needs for people with a home language other than English. We encourage you to explore and judge for yourself which to add to your toolbox.

Do you have a favorite tool or resource for evaluating culturally and linguistically diverse complex communicators that we missed? Send us an email to share!

Please note: This is not an exhaustive list of all possible evaluation tools. Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement or recommendation.

This information was current at the time it was posted. If you spot a needed update, please send us an email at Thank you for helping us keep this information up-to-date and useful!

Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Evaluation Tools and Resources


AAC for ALL: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Practices (book)

AAC for All: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Practices is designed to serve as a resource for practicing speech language pathologists and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) specialists working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) populations.


Alberta Language Development Questionnaire (ALDeQ)

Alberta Langauge Environment Questionnaire (ALEQ)

The ALDeQ is a set of two parental questionnaires to obtain information about children's language development and language environment, in both their first and second language.


All About Me Inventory

The All About Me Inventory is a culturally responsive tool from The Bridge School for learning about an individual.


Bilingual Input-Output Survey (BIOS)

The BIOS can be used to help determine current exposure to the student’s two languages at home and at school. This information can be helpful for guiding device/vocabulary selection and customizations.


Bilingual Spanish-English Parent/Caregiver Questionnaire and Family Culture Survey

Parent Questionnaire and Family Culture Survey written in Spanish and English. Both ask specific questions to help gather a vocabulary inventory for your client and insight to the family’s heritage.


Colorín Colorado

Corlorín Colorado is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of bilingual, research-based information, activities, and advice for educators and families of English language learners (ELLs).


Communication Matrix

The Communication Matrix can be translated into several languages by using the translation menu option in the navigation toolbar of the website.

  • Information about downloadable PDF translations of this tool can be found HERE


Culturally Responsive AAC (San Francisco State University)

Culturally Response AAC is a curated list of resources related to culturally and linguistically responsive AAC.


Dynamic AAC Goals Grid - 2 (DAGG-2)

The DAGG-2 has a Spanish translation/adaptation that is available from BJ Adaptaciones. Compleinge the DAGG-2 in both English and Spanish will provide a fuller picture of the AAC communicator’s communication skills.


Early Development of Emotional Competence (EDEC)

The EDEC An assessment tool for children with complex communication needs (CCNs). The EDEC has English, Korean and Mandarin Chinese versions.


Family Impact of Assistive Technology Scale for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (FIATS-AAC)

The FIATS-AAC is a parent-report questionnaire designed to detect functional change associated with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) interventions for children and youth, ages 3 to 18 years, and their families. It has 13 dimensions to measure overall and domain-specific functioning associated with AAC system use.

  • In addition to English, the FIATS-AAC has a French translation.


Home Language Survey

The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction offers a home language survey available for download in a variety of languages. It is useful for gathering information about language practices in the individual’s home.


IRIS Center

The IRIS Center offers a Dual Language Learners with Disabilities: Supporting Young Children in the Classroom module among other resources


Language Manuals List

Files with detailed information about different languages and associated cultures.


LEADERSproject (Law and Evidence-based Approaches for Disability Evaluation and ReSources)

The mission of the LEADERSproject is to connect clinical practice with law and research in order to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services.


MacArthur-Bates CDI

The MacArthur-Bates CDI is a set of vocabulary inventories available in English and Spanish. You may contact the developers of the MacArthur-Bates for adaptations into other languages.

  • Information about adaptations of the MacArthur-Bates CDI in other languages can be found HERE

Matching Person and Technology

Matching Person and Technology (MPT) Assessment

The Matching Person and Technology process is a person-centered resource. It can be used to foster user engagement and guide a team in the selection of the most appropriate assistive technology or support solution.


Multilingual Topics in Communication Disorders

Information to learn about different languages and related cultures.


Phonemic Inventories and Cultural and Linguistic Information Across Languages

Resources intended to contribute to foundational awareness of potential cultural and linguistic influences.

screenshot of the front of the PAALSS protocol

Protocol for the Analysis of Aided Language Samples in Spanish (PAALSS)

“PAALSS can be used to describe the expressive language use of children who use aided AAC in Spanish and are in the early stages of language development. PAALSS can also be used as a guide to set goals for and measure outcomes of language therapy along four domains of expressive language including vocabulary, morphology, grammatical complexity, and syntax.”

Note: click on the Supplementary Material link, then select/download Supplemental Material S1 for the protocol (this appears to be available even if you do not have access to the full article)


Social Networks

Versions of the Social Networks inventory are available in multiple languages.