SETC webinar
“SETC staff members will lead a book study on Dr. Paula Kluth’s book, Universal Design Daily. This book gives practical ideas for how to incorporate Universal Design to build your inclusive classroom without being overwhelmed. The book is broken up into three sections and the final section is broken up into three parts. During this evening book study we hope to encourage conversation and exploration with each 30 minute session and hope that participants will find time between each session to try some of the tips. Together, with your expertise and excitement, we will be putting the ideas into practice as we go through the book study. FREE books will be provided by Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession for Washington State educators while supplies last!
3/06 7:00-7:30 pm Book Study Universal Design Daily: Section I – ABC’s of UDL
3/13 7:00-7:30 pm Book Study Universal Design Daily: Section II – PD of UDL
3/20 7:00-7:30 pm Book Study Universal Design Daily: Section III – Engagement
3/27 7:00-7:30 pm Book Study Universal Design Daily: Session IV – Teaching & Learning with UDL: Action & Expression and Representation”