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Beyond Switch Training Activities

SETC free webinar

“Do you have a plan and progression in mind for beginning switch users? How do you know when to move students beyond the basic switch training activities and on to meaningful and independent access to reading and writing? In previous webinars we addressed switch training in preschool aged children, but what about students in

elementary and beyond? In this webinar we will consider the goals of switch training, switch skill progression and moving beyond training activities. The use of switch accessible software programs can provide teachers and therapists with a clearer view of a child’s switching abilities, both in the realm of physical access and cognitive understanding. This webinar will demonstrate switch accessible programs that can provide access to adapted academic activities. In addition, we will also consider how to determine if it is possible for switch users to access grade level academic programs that are used by their non-switch users peers.

· If you are not familiar with a wide range of switches and interfaces, view a recorded webinar on this topic prior to this session. This session will not cover basic hardware.”