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Previous attendance at a 1 day or 1.5 day Center for AAC & Autism LAMP Workshop is required to register for this course.

Register for one or both days. The LAMP workshop is a prerequisite for attending the Moving Forward

Parents and students can register for ½ price!

What is LAMP?

Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP™) is an augmentative alternative communication (AAC) approach designed to give individuals who are nonverbal or have limited verbal abilities a method of independently and spontaneously expressing themselves through the use of a speech-generating device.  The key components of the LAMP approach include readiness to learn, engaging the learner through joint engagement, and learning language through a unique and consistent motor plan paired with an auditory signal and a natural consequence.  There are no cognitive prerequisites for the implementation of the LAMP approach as intervention can begin at the cause and effect level and systematically build upon the stages of natural language development.

Day 1 is an introduction to the LAMP approach.

  • Components of LAMP: Readiness to learn, joint engagement, and teaching language by pairing a unique and consistent motor plan with an auditory signal and natural response.

  • How this approach addresses the core language deficits of autism.

  • Device features that are beneficial to teaching language.

  • Videos will be used to illustrate the treatment components

Day 2 is an advanced, hands-on training course designed to further the communication partner's ability to implement the Language Acquisition through Motor Planning approach with the LAMP Words for Life language system at different language stages and across environments. There are separate trainings for those supporting Accent and iOS devices. 

  • Assessing current language level

  • Expanding vocabulary in natural environments

  • Strategies for teaching the motor plan

  • Features of the software to support language development”