FREE workshop series designed for parents, family members, therapists, school staff, or anyone who interacts with children who use picture-based AAC systems. AAC in Action is a training program for communication partners with the goal of supporting AAC users to expand their communication skills. Participants will gain skills through video analysis, live demonstrations, and small group assignments.
Partner training skills targeted will include using:
- Aided Language Stimulation
- Expectant Delay
- Non-Verbal Prompts
- Contingent Responding
To RSVP or get more information, contact:
Interpreter available upon request.
Presented in partnership by: Seattle Children's Hospital, Provail, and NWACS
“I learned to not ask so many questions.” – Speech language pathologist
“When I stopped talking, my child started to talk more.” – Parent
“I added more actions into our program.” (less focus on foods/toys) – Parent
“My child is now the boss of me and I love it!” – Parent