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Let's Talk AAC: The Right To Choose How To Communicate: Part-Time AAC Use

Welcome back to Let's Talk AAC - a series of questions and topics for discussion. NWACS will occasionally post a question or topic with related information. Join in the conversation! Add your experiences, resources, related research, etc. in the comments so we can all learn and benefit from each other's knowledge and experience.

by Cassandra Stafford, MS, CCC-SLP/L, ATP (Speech-Language Pathologist and Assistive Technology Professional), NWACS Board Member

reading time: 2 minutes

The views expressed in this post are that of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of NWACS. No endorsement by NWACS is implied regarding any device, manufacturer, resource, or strategy mentioned.

Every day each of us uses a variety of modes of communication. Spoken language. In-person or by phone. Email. Texting/messaging. Writing. Social media. Gestures. Facial expressions. Body language. Eye gaze. Pictures. Gifs. Videos. Music/songs. Sometimes it is a split-second decision. Other times we debate before choosing. Without realizing it, we often use many means of communication at the same time. But, we are all choosing when and how to communicate all day long, every day.

Article 21 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (adopted by the United Nations in 2006) is:

Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information.

In part, it reads:

“...take all appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities can exercise the right to freedom of expression and opinion, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas on an equal basis with others and through all forms of communication of their choice…”

It goes on to say:

“b) Accepting and facilitating the use of sign languages, Braille, augmentative and alternative communication, and all other accessible means, modes and formats of communication of their choice…”

All forms of communication of their choice. Means, modes, and formats of communication of their choice. Disabled people have the right to choose how they communicate. And just like the rest of us, they can choose different ways at different times.

We have people telling us that they may be able to access their speech and spoken language - some of the time. Many also tell us that spoken language often comes at a great cost to them. Are we listening?

We have people telling us that their spoken language is not always reliable or accessible. About how they need access to AAC systems to meet their communication needs. Are we listening?

We have people telling us about the stress and problems around being expected to use spoken language as a child. About not being given access to AAC systems because they “could talk”. About how helpful it would have been to have access to AAC from childhood on. Are we listening?

The goal of communication is the message and the connection and the relationship, not the how. Communication through spoken language is not superior to other forms of communication. Being able to say what you want in the time, place, and way of your choosing is superior to not being able to fully realize your communication desires. Are we listening?

Why do we care so much about how a person chooses to communicate? Why does it matter how they are best able to communicate in any given moment/situation? Why do we care more about HOW a person is communicating than WHAT they are communicating? The message a person is communicating is what is important and should be what we care about.

The choice is not ours to make. The reason a person needs access to AAC is not ours to judge. If a person says that spoken language is not good enough to meet their communication needs, we need to listen. And support. And provide access to an AAC system that does meet their needs in a way that works best for them. And then we need to let them use their AAC system freely and without judgment.

Are you listening?

References and related resources:

Other posts in this series:

Right 1 | Right 2 | Right 3 | Right 4 | Right 5 | Right 6 | More on Right 6 | Right 7 | More on Right #7 | Right 8 | Right 9 | More on Right #9 | Right 10 | Right 11 | Right 12 | Right 13 | Right 14 | Right 15

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