New Discoveries: AAC Lite Tech Evaluation Kit
In the ever-changing, wide-ranging, often overwhelming, and profoundly individualized realm of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and assistive technology (AT), all stakeholders need a wealth of knowledge and a toolbox filled with resources. New Discoveries is a series highlighting resources (some new/new to you, some you may have forgotten about) that might be of interest and use. We encourage you to explore and judge for yourself which to add to your toolbox.
Resource to Explore: AAC Lite Tech Evaluation Kit from Enabling Devices
What is the AAC Lite Tech Evaluation Kit?
Enabling Devices has created an AAC assessment kit with 24 items they have determined to be key for AAC/AT professionals to have in their toolkits for completing AAC assessments for individuals of all ability levels. The kit includes light and mid-tech communicators, switches, switch-adapted products, symbols and photo sets (software), a light duty mounting arm, and the AAC Evaluation Genie app.
Why should I consider checking it out?
This kit is expensive (~ $2,000 US). If you work in a larger school district, clinic, or evaluation center, then this might be a helpful option to consider purchasing. However, it can also be a good reference to look at as you slowly build up your AAC evaluation toolkit for examples of different types of items to consider.
Where can I learn more?
To learn more, visit the Enabling Devices website HERE.