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New Discoveries: Unified Listing

New Discoveries: Unified Listing

In the ever-changing, wide-ranging, often overwhelming, and profoundly individualized realm of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and assistive technology (AT), all stakeholders need a wealth of knowledge and a toolbox filled with resources. New Discoveries is a series highlighting resources (some new/new to you, some you may have forgotten about) that might be of interest and use. We encourage you to explore and judge for yourself which to add to your toolbox.

Resource to Explore: Unified Listing

What is Unified Listing?

The Unified Listing brings together Assistive Technology (AT) information from around the world on products and solutions for providing access to information and communication technologies. It currently brings together information from over a half dozen federated databases in Europe, the US and Australia.

The Unified Listing includes Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) products, anything to help access computers or phones, and mainstream digital products that have access features built into them.

Why should I consider checking it out?

  • It’s FREE!

  • Find accessibility tools that help people use information and AAC/communication technologies

Where can I learn more?

To learn more about and start searching the Unified Listing database, visit https://ul.gpii.net/